A Master Guide to Restaurant Web Design: Serving Up Success

Back in my baking days, the secret wasn't just in the dough; it was in the presentation. Just as a perfectly frosted cupcake can lure you in, a killer website can reel in those hungry customers. And trust me, in this digital age, a restaurant's web design is as critical as its signature dish.

Here are the 10 most important features your restaurant’s website needs to have to make you stand out from the crowd:

1. Stellar Imagery: Let Your Dishes Shine!

You eat with your eyes first, right? Having professional, drool-worthy photos of your dishes is like having the world's best maître d' standing at your digital doorway. Now, mobile cameras these days are crazy good, especially with the right lighting and framing. But, seriously, nothing beats hiring a professional photographer. Make the investment now and you’ll be reaping the rewards for years.

2. Crystal-Clear Calls to Action (CTA)

A “CTA” is basically your online megaphone shouting, "Hey, look over here and do this thing!" Whether that thing is booking a reservation, viewing your menu, or ordering takeout, you want it to be super clear and enticing.

3. Mobile-First Design: Cater to the On-the-Go Crowd

Over half of your visitors are browsing with their phones, likely in between bites of their last meal. So it’s unbelievable how many websites still aren’t optimized for mobile. Don’t let yours be one of them!!

4. Share YOUR Story: The Personal Touch

Many restaurants hide behind their menu, wanting to maintain this weird, anonymous mystique. But in the age of Netflix food documentaries and chef biopics, that's the WRONG approach. Food is the most personal thing there is. Your potential diners want the drama, the passion, the tears, and the triumphs behind each dish.

Share your journey. Your customers CRAVE it. It’s what will set you apart, make your audience feel connected to you, and make them keep coming back.

5. Online Ordering System

During the COVID era, folks got savvy about ordering from restaurants online. In fact, many genuinely want to support small restaurants directly, and will sidestep third-party apps if they know they can order from your website.

Setting up your own online store allows you to take direct orders from your customers - which means you gather invaluable customer data. Think of it: names, emails, ordering habits—all pure gold. Plus, you cut out the middleman and keep a bigger slice of the profit.

If you don’t have your own delivery team, no worries - you can still have your own store AND partner with Doordash for delivery. Doing this allows you to sidestep 3rd party fees while still offering coveted delivery services. So, make that online store happen ASAP! It's a game-changer.

6. Email Capturing: The Real Secret Sauce

Want to know what’s crazier than not having an online store? Not capturing emails. Capturing emails is the digital equivalent of gathering your foodie tribe around a bonfire. It's all about stirring up a sense of belonging.

Sending out regular newsletters is like having a direct line to your customer’s belly—enticing them with deals, specials, or stories about your staff & the things you care about. It drives sales, reservations, and walk-ins. So be sure to add an email capture somewhere prominent on your website. (And be sure to reach out to your list at least a couple times a month to keep them engaged!)

7. Showcase Your Special Services

Got catering services? Flaunt them. An event space? Showcase it. Add photos, details, capacity, pricing – the works. Add a contact form right on that page and ask for all the details you need to get back to the customer with a quote. (And make sure someone CHECKS the email…you know who you are).

Even better? Integrate an online catering store so customers can place their order on the spot. Either way, make it ridiculously easy for customers to say, “Take my money!”

8. Event Calendar: Your Restaurant's Happening Place

If you're spicing things up with wine tastings, moonlit movie nights, pop-ups or the like, add these events to a calendar on your website. Not only does it keep your regulars informed, but it’s an SEO goldmine, driving traffic from those searching for local events.

9. Flaunt Those Accolades

So you've got a shining review from a fancy magazine or maybe a feature from a local culinary blog? Why are you hiding these gems, you maniac?? Seriously, it's like making the world's best tiramisu and then keeping it in the walk-in under the ham.

Create a page flaunting every award, every mention, every “Oh, they’re unbelievable!” review. This isn’t just about stroking your ego; it's about showing off your culinary chops. A bit like having your accolades framed at the front door, but for the whole internet to see. Nothing says "you have to eat here" like a bit of third-party validation!

10. A Freshness Check: Keep Your Site Updated!

You wouldn't serve last week's bread, so why showcase last season's menu? Websites, much like your daily specials, require regular attention. One of the biggest blunders I see? Restaurants setting and forgetting their sites. Incorrect hours, outdated menus – it's a recipe for disaster. So, delegate the task! Assign a team member to do a weekly website check-up. Keep it fresh, keep it current, and ensure your online visitors get the most up-to-date taste of what you're all about.

Conclusion: Think of your website as a snapshot of the culinary magic you whip up daily. Give it the same love, care, and attention that you pour into your recipes. In this digital age, first bites often happen with the eyes online. So, let’s ensure that first glance leaves them craving more. Stay saucy, both on the plate and on the pixel!

About the Author:
I'm Salaams, a former bakery owner turned digital marketer and web designer. I’m passionate about giving eateries the digital edge they deserve! Wanna chat? Book a call with me here.


Why Your Restaurant Needs a Killer Website