Why Your Restaurant Needs a Killer Website

Chef updating restaurant website in bakery kitchen

Listen up, restaurant owners! If you've been debating about whether splurging on a fancy website for your eatery is worth the dough, let me help settle this debate: a top-notch website in 2023 isn't a luxury—it's an absolute necessity. And here are the 5 biggest reasons why.

1) The Representation Factor: Your Restaurant Website Speaks Volumes About You

Would you ever even consider dining at a joint that can't be bothered to wipe down their tables between customers? Heck no! It doesn't matter how many Michelin stars they have; cleanliness and presentation are everything.

Your website is no different. It's a mirror reflecting how you run your business. A lousy website is like shouting to the world that you don't care about your food, your staff, or your customers. Thing is - whether that’s true or not doesn’t matter. That’s the impression it gives and that’s enough to drive away potential diners.

According to a study by BrightLocal, 94% of consumers state that they are more likely to trust a business with a professional and well-maintained website. You can’t phone it in, folks - and if you do, people will notice, and they won’t shop with you.

2) The Power of Online Ordering: Keep Profits and Customer Data in Your Hands

In 2023, online ordering isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. The pandemic lit a fire under it, and that fire's still burning strong. According to Upserve, restaurants with online ordering saw their takeout revenue spike by a solid 30%.

Having your own website means you can offer online ordering without having your profits syphoned off by third-party platforms. But you already knew that. What's often overlooked is that when customers shop on your online store, you're the one getting their data. You know who they are, where they're chowing down, and what they're digging into. This data lets you run personalized marketing campaigns based on their preferences, order history, and location—building customer loyalty and repeat business. When you're only using third-party platforms for online orders, you don’t see ANY of that data. And trust me, it's taking a toll on your bottom line.

Finally, encouraging customers to order from your site rather than a third-party platform fosters a real connection. In a Statista survey, 83% of respondents said they prefer ordering straight from a restaurant's website over a third-party app. Why? Because it's not just about the food; it's about the whole experience.

Customers have gotten savvy over the last few years and understand ordering directly from restaurants is better for restaurants. When you steer them in that direction, you're not just serving a meal; you're planting the seeds of loyalty. They appreciate the convenience, reliability, and personal touch of your website, and they're more likely to keep coming back. Over time, they might even become your biggest brand advocates!

3) 24/7 Booking Convenience: No More Missed Opportunities

Picture this: it's 2 am, and someone stumbles upon your restaurant's website. They're struck by a craving for your signature burger and decide they want to make a reservation. But hold on a sec—there's no online booking system? Well, congratulations, you just waved goodbye to a potential customer.

People these days are impulsive - they want what they want when they want it. To avoid becoming that "great place we wanted to try but couldn't book," you'd better have a way for customers to book a reservation with you via your website. After all, 87% of diners are all about booking online, and a whopping 86% are more likely to choose a restaurant that offers online reservations. You can’t do that without a website!

4) Standing Out: Showcasing Your Unique Identity

In the fiercely competitive restaurant industry, the power to stand out is critical. Many restaurant owners choose to forgo starting their own website and stick with just having a profile on Google Business or Yelp. And don’t get me wrong - those platforms are critical to your restaurant’s success. But you’re limited in what information you can list, and every profile looks alike - so it’s easy to get lost in a sea of sameness.

Having your own website allows you to craft the precise visual story you want your guests to enjoy when they dine with you, setting it apart from the cookie-cutter profiles on other platforms. Your mouth-watering dishes, the unique ambiance it took you forever to perfect, your storytelling - it's all under your control.

This level of customization and individuality becomes a powerful tool for making a lasting impression and attracting diners who resonate with your unique identity in a bustling and competitive dining scene. It's like giving your restaurant a megaphone in a whispering crowd!

5) Menu Mastery: Keep It Fresh and Updated

The National Restaurant Association revealed that 70% of consumers are menu-checking online before they even step foot in a restaurant. They can’t do that if you don’t have a website, can they?

Or if you DO have a website but don’t have a regularly-updated menu page, can you imagine just how many customers you’re missing out on given the above statistic?

In simple terms, restaurant owners – not having a strong online presence is like trying to eat soup with a fork; it's just not going to work. If you've been on the fence about investing in that top-tier site, it's time to take action! Remember, your website isn't a mere decoration; it's a valuable sales engine that will drive your restaurant's success.

About the Author:
I'm Salaams, a former bakery owner turned digital marketer and web designer. I’m passionate about giving eateries the digital edge they deserve! Wanna chat? Book a call with me here.


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