The Untapped Potential of Online Selling in Restaurants: The Pre-Order Playbook

Many restaurateurs view their online store merely as a digital extension of their physical menu. If that’s you - you don’t know what you’re missing out on!! The true potential of an online store isn't just about making it easier for customers to order food, but about enabling you to harness e-commerce strategies to drive engagement and boost your business. Pre-orders are one of the most powerful among those strategies. Let’s get into it!

Pre-Orders: The "Coming Soon" of the Culinary World

Pre-orders allow customers to order and often pay in advance for special menu items or meals before they're available. It's like booking a meal ahead of its cooking time, ensuring customers get exclusive or limited-time offerings on a specific future date. This system helps restaurants and patrons plan ahead, guaranteeing the availability of the desired dishes.

Why Pre-Orders Are the Secret Ingredient

  1. Seal the Deal with Pre-orders: Think about all the times you, as a savvy consumer, planned to buy something but then life happened, and poof, it slipped your mind. Pre-orders sidestep this little human glitch. They nudge customers to commit on the spot, turning those "maybe later" thoughts into "let's do this now" actions. Once they've pre-ordered, they're in - no more forgotten intentions or missed opportunities.

  2. Encouraging Regular Website Visits: Each time customers visit your site to peek at pre-order offerings, they're also browsing your online store a bit more. This tactic keeps your standard menu top-of-mind, subtly nudging them to remember your delicious dishes and enticing them to return for more.

  3. Stirring Excitement: Pre-orders are like the culinary equivalent of insider gossip. They get people buzzing with excitement, eager to be the first to tell their friends about the latest and greatest from your kitchen. It's a game of 'who knows it first,' where your customers love to play the role of the knowledgeable foodie, spreading the word about your upcoming specials. This shared enthusiasm doesn't just build anticipation; it drives up sales and cements your status as the hot spot for culinary happenings.

  4. Training Your Customers: Using pre-orders in your own online store trains your customers to bypass the middlemen (ahem, third-party delivery apps) and come directly to you. It helps create a shopping habit directly with your brand - which is important because every direct order is a little more profit in your pocket.

  5. Boosting Cart Value: Very frequently, customers who purchase a pre-order end up adding more items to their cart. It's like going to Target for toilet paper and ending up with new sheets, a light fixture and 3 new dog toys. (I know it’s not just me…)

  6. Something to Talk About: Your pre-orders are perfect fodder for social media & newsletter content. (Unless you’re the unicorn who somehow isn’t struggling to create content….in which case, feel free to skip this section). Showcase the dishes, the event, the collab - whatever your pre-order relates to. Telling the story around your pre-order will help you build a narrative that engages & captivates your audience.

  7. Building Anticipation and Loyalty: Any restaurant can serve food, not every place can conjure up new experiences for their customers to eagerly anticipate. By regularly introducing unique pre-order options, you're not just serving dishes, you're crafting memorable events. This not only sets your restaurant apart in a sea of eateries but also fosters loyalty, as customers return not just for the food, but for the excitement and exclusivity your restaurant consistently offers.

Why Isn't Everyone Doing This?

Despite the clear benefits, many restaurant owners have yet to fully leverage pre-orders. It’s a mix of unawareness and hesitation to step into the digital marketing realm. However, the potential rewards, from better inventory management to enhanced customer engagement, make it an avenue worth exploring.

The Multi-faceted Advantages of Pre-Orders

  • Better Inventory and Demand Planning: Pre-orders allow for precise inventory management, reducing waste and cost.

  • Data Collection for Tailored Marketing: Insights from pre-orders can be used to customize marketing strategies, ensuring higher customer satisfaction.

  • Increased Exposure and Brand Awareness: Pre-orders, especially for special events or collaborations, can introduce new audiences to your restaurant.

The Bottom Line

Pre-orders represent a significant, yet underutilized, opportunity in the restaurant industry. They combine the excitement of e-commerce with traditional dining, driving sales and creating a loyal customer base. Training your customers to use your online store is an investment in a more profitable and direct relationship with them. More restaurateurs should jump on this bandwagon and milk their online stores for all they're worth - not just as digital menus, but as platforms for culinary excitement and customer engagement. You’ll be pleased with the benefits!

About the Author:
I'm Salaams, a former bakery owner turned digital marketer and web designer. I’m passionate about giving eateries the digital edge they deserve! Wanna chat? Book a call with me here.


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